Monday, February 6, 2023

Family Home Evening for John 2-4

 Read John 3:16-17

16 ​​​For ​​​God​ so ​​​loved​ the ​​​world​, that he ​​​gave​ his ​​​only​ begotten ​​​Son​, that whosoever ​​​believeth​ in him should not perish, but have ​​​everlasting​ ​​​life​.

​​​17 ​For God ​​​sent​ not his Son into the world to ​​​condemn​ the world; but that the world through him might be ​​​saved​


Put a picture of Jesus in a box. If possible, you could put small pictures of Jesus in the box, so that you can give one to each child. Wrap the box like a present. 

Explain that a long time ago Heavenly Father gave the world a special gift. Though His gift was very special, not everyone understands His gift. Those that believe in His gift and accept it, will live forever and be happy forever. Some people think that this gift was given to curse them or make them so that they have to live by too many rules, but through this gift, the whole world can be saved. The scripture we just read tells us who this gift was. Can you guess who it is? (Allow them to open the box). 

Explain that Jesus is God’s gift to the world, because He loves us. We can feel God’s love when we think about Jesus and when we look at pictures of Jesus. Tell your children to put their picture of Jesus in a place where they can see it often.


How does Jesus help us feel God’s love?

Click the picture below to see how we did this lesson

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