Monday, January 2, 2023

Family Home Evening for Matthew 1; Luke 1

 Read Luke 1:37

37 ​For with God nothing shall be ​​​impossible​.


In Luke 1, we read about 2 things that seem impossible. They are the stories of Zacharias and Elizabeth and Mary, the mother of Jesus. Read or summarize these stories. Our summaries are below:

Zacharias and Elizabeth were too old to bare children. They continued in faith and Zacharias was visited by an angel in the temple. He was told that Elizabeth would bare a son, and that his name would be John. Zacharias doubted that with God all things are possible. His voice was taken from him, until Elizabeth took their baby boy to be circumcised. Many people thought Zacharias would name his only son after him, but at the temple, he wrote in the sand that the baby’s name would be John. He was able to speak again after this. This baby is John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus. Click the picture to see this story.

Mary was not married yet. An angel came to her and told her that she would become the mother of Jesus. Mary couldn’t believe it was possible at first. The Angel told Mary that with God, all things are possible. Mary told the angel that she would do whatever God needed her to do.

Click the picture to see this story.


Has there ever been anything that seemed almost impossible for you to do? With the New Year barely beginning, think about a way that you could ask God to help you learn or do something that is hard or seems impossible. Maybe you could work on developing a talent, break a bad habit, set a goal to do a major act of service every month (or 12 times this year, see for ideas), or something else of your choosing. Write it down where you can reflect on it often. In your daily prayers, ask Heavenly Father to help you achieve your goal. This will help your family gain a personal testimony of how “with God, all things are possible.”

Click here to see how we did this lesson

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