Monday, October 10, 2022

Family Home Evening for Jeremiah 1-3; 7; 16-18; 20

 Read Jeremiah 1:5

5 ​Before I ​​​formed​ thee in the belly I ​​​knew​ thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I ​​​sanctified​ thee, ​and​ I ​​​ordained​ thee a prophet unto the ​​​nations​.

Discuss (Show pictures, summarize, and/or bear testimony of the following)

This scripture is very important, because it helps us to know that we lived before we came to earth. Heavenly Father knew our spirits before we came to earth to receive bodies. In Heaven, before you came to earth, there was a war. 

Heavenly Father presented His beautiful Plan of Salvation, also known as the Plan of Happiness. This Plan made it so that we could come to earth, receive our bodies, and return to Him again. In order for us to be able to make it back to Heavenly Father, we needed to be able to repent of our mistakes. The only way that this could happen was to have a Savior. Two people wanted to be the Savior. 

Lucifer, also known as the devil or Satan, wanted to be the Savior. He didn’t love Heavenly Father or us. He wanted to change Heavenly Father’s Plan and take all of Heavenly Father’s power and glory. 

Jesus also volunteered to be the Savior. He loved Heavenly Father, and He loved us. He offered to come to earth, receive a body, atone for our sins, and be resurrected, so that Heavenly Father’s Plan could be fulfilled.

Jesus was chosen as the Savior and Messiah. This made Satan very angry. Heavenly Father cast Satan out of Heaven. One-third of all the people in Heaven left with Satan. You were part of the people who stayed and decided to follow Heavenly Father’s Plan. You not only decided to follow His Plan, but you were one of the most valiant of that group. This means that you were one of the people that loved Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and powerfully supported God’s Plan of Happiness. You stood strongly for them there, and you promised to stand strongly for them here. President Russell M. Nelson has said this about you, “You are a chosen generation, fordetermined by God to do a remarkable work–to help prepare the people of this world for the Second Coming of the Lord.” 

This valiant spirit is in your body. Heavenly Father knew you, before you even went into your mommy’s tummy. He knows who you are, and He knows what you can and will become. You were saved and prepared to come in the latter days, to be born to your parents, and to be an example of Heavenly Father’s light and hope in the world.

Click the picture below to see our video for this lesson

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