Monday, June 3, 2024

Family Home Evening for Mosiah 29-Alma 4

 Read Alma 1:2

2 And it came to pass that in the first year of the reign of Alma in the judgment-seat, there was a man brought before him to be judged, a man who was large, and was noted for his much strength.

Tell your children that this man’s name is Nehor. As you read these next verses (Alma 1:3-4), have your children find the false teachings of Nehor. Help them to understand the real truth to these teachings.

3 And he had gone about among the people, preaching to them that which he termed to be the word of God, bearing down against the church; declaring unto the people that every priest and teacher ought to become popular; and they ought not to labor with their hands, but that they ought to be supported by the people.

4 And he also testified unto the people that all mankind should be saved at the last day, and that they need not fear nor tremble, but that they might lift up their heads and rejoice; for the Lord had created all men, and had also redeemed all men; and, in the end, all men should have eternal life.


  1. Every priest and teacher ought to become popular; and they ought not to labor with their hands, but that they ought to be supported by the people.

    1. Disciples of Heavenly Father and Jesus are humble and serve others. We shouldn’t expect people to pay us for service. We also should never think that we are better than anyone else because of how much money we have or what position we hold in the church.

  2. All mankind should be saved at the last day, and that they need not fear nor tremble.

    1. Only those who have faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ, repent, take upon them the name of Jesus Christ (through baptism), receive the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end will be saved at the last day.

  3. The Lord had created all men, and had also redeemed all men; and, in the end, all men should have eternal life.

    1. As we have learned in previous lessons, all people will be resurrected and never die, but eternal happiness is for those who make sacred covenants with Heavenly Father, accept the Atonement of Jesus Christ, repent, and follow His teachings.


Warn your children that often others will mix scriptures with things that are not true. They will use this to try and make you feel like the truths you know are not real, and that you have been misguided by the scriptures, by what you have learned at church, and the things that the Holy Ghost has confirmed to you are true. If ever you are not sure if something is true or not, pray and Heavenly Father will tell you what is true by the Power of the Holy Ghost.


Click the picture below to see how we did this lesson

Family Home Evening for Mosiah 25-28

 Read or Summarize Mosiah 27:8-24 (Great Summary of this set of scriptures is found here:

8 Now the sons of Mosiah were numbered among the unbelievers; and also one of the sons of Alma was numbered among them, he being called Alma, after his father; nevertheless, he became a very wicked and an idolatrous man. And he was a man of many words, and did speak much flattery to the people; therefore he led many of the people to do after the manner of his iniquities.

9 And he became a great hinderment to the prosperity of the church of God; stealing away the hearts of the people; causing much dissension among the people; giving a chance for the enemy of God to exercise his power over them.

10 And now it came to pass that while he was going about to destroy the church of God, for he did go about secretly with the sons of Mosiah seeking to destroy the church, and to lead astray the people of the Lord, contrary to the commandments of God, or even the king—

11 And as I said unto you, as they were going about rebelling against God, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto them; and he descended as it were in a cloud; and he spake as it were with a voice of thunder, which caused the earth to shake upon which they stood;

12 And so great was their astonishment, that they fell to the earth, and understood not the words which he spake unto them.

13 Nevertheless he cried again, saying: Alma, arise and stand forth, for why persecutest thou the church of God? For the Lord hath said: This is my church, and I will establish it; and nothing shall overthrow it, save it is the transgression of my people.

14 And again, the angel said: Behold, the Lord hath heard the prayers of his people, and also the prayers of his servant, Alma, who is thy father; for he has prayed with much faith concerning thee that thou mightest be brought to the knowledge of the truth; therefore, for this purpose have I come to convince thee of the power and authority of God, that the prayers of his servants might be answered according to their faith.

15 And now behold, can ye dispute the power of God? For behold, doth not my voice shake the earth? And can ye not also behold me before you? And I am sent from God.

16 Now I say unto thee: Go, and remember the captivity of thy fathers in the land of Helam, and in the land of Nephi; and remember how great things he has done for them; for they were in bondage, and he has delivered them. And now I say unto thee, Alma, go thy way, and seek to destroy the church no more, that their prayers may be answered, and this even if thou wilt of thyself be cast off.

17 And now it came to pass that these were the last words which the angel spake unto Alma, and he departed.

18 And now Alma and those that were with him fell again to the earth, for great was their astonishment; for with their own eyes they had beheld an angel of the Lord; and his voice was as thunder, which shook the earth; and they knew that there was nothing save the power of God that could shake the earth and cause it to tremble as though it would part asunder.

19 And now the astonishment of Alma was so great that he became dumb, that he could not open his mouth; yea, and he became weak, even that he could not move his hands; therefore he was taken by those that were with him, and carried helpless, even until he was laid before his father.

20 And they rehearsed unto his father all that had happened unto them; and his father rejoiced, for he knew that it was the power of God.

21 And he caused that a multitude should be gathered together that they might witness what the Lord had done for his son, and also for those that were with him.

22 And he caused that the priests should assemble themselves together; and they began to fast, and to pray to the Lord their God that he would open the mouth of Alma, that he might speak, and also that his limbs might receive their strength—that the eyes of the people might be opened to see and know of the goodness and glory of God.

23 And it came to pass after they had fasted and prayed for the space of two days and two nights, the limbs of Alma received their strength, and he stood up and began to speak unto them, bidding them to be of good comfort:

24 For, said he, I have repented of my sins, and have been redeemed of the Lord; behold I am born of the Spirit.


Ask your family what Alma and his people did to help Alma the Younger. 

What is fasting? 

Fasting is a commandment from the Lord where we humble ourselves before Him by voluntarily refraining from eating and drinking, usually 2 meals in a 24 hour period. Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin taught: “Without prayer, fasting is not complete fasting; it’s simply going hungry. If we want our fasting to be more than just going without eating, we must lift our hearts, our minds, and our voices in communion with our Heavenly Father. Fasting, coupled with mighty prayer, is powerful. (“The Law of the Fast,” Apr. 2001 general conference).

Have you ever fasted and prayed for someone? Share your experience with your children, and let them share theirs


Click the picture below to see how we did this lesson