Read, Summarize, or Role Play
Genesis 6-8 (Noah's Ark).
Make note of the following things:
What kind of man Noah was
What happened to the people who did not follow the prophet
What happened to the people who did follow the prophet
Build a boat out of paper or blocks. Watch the video below to see how to fold a paper boat. Then, discuss how following the prophet, today, keeps us safe from the “floods” of bad things in our world today. You may want to go back to the last General Conference to be reminded of what our prophet said. Click here to be directed to the October 2021 General Conference. My list is below. Have each child draw a picture to represent the words or write the words of the prophet on their boat.
President Nelson Quotes from October 2021 Conference:
I plead with you today to counter the lure of the world by making time for the Lord in your life—each and every day.
If you are not also seeking the Lord through daily prayer and gospel study, you leave yourself vulnerable to philosophies that may be intriguing but are not true.
Make your own spiritual foundation firm and able to stand the test of time by doing those things that allow the Holy Ghost to be with you always.
Make your Sabbath a delight as you worship Him, partake of the sacrament, and keep His day holy.
please make time for the Lord in His holy house
It is imperative that we each have a firm spiritual foundation built upon the rock of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
The temple lies at the center of strengthening our faith and spiritual fortitude because the Savior and His doctrine are the very heart of the temple
Ponder these three truths:
The Restoration is a process, not an event, and will continue until the Lord comes again
The ultimate objective of the gathering of Israel is to bring the blessings of the temple to God’s faithful children.
As we seek how to accomplish that objective more effectively, the Lord reveals more insights. The ongoing Restoration needs ongoing revelation.
Under the Lord’s direction and in answer to our prayers, recent procedural adjustments have been made. He is the One who wants you to understand with great clarity exactly what you are making covenants to do.
If you don’t yet love to attend the temple, go more often—not less.
Contrary to the doubts of some, there really is such a thing as right and wrong. There really is absolute truth—eternal truth.
I invoke a blessing upon all who are seeking greater light, knowledge, and truth.